Six domes are visible in this view. The largest dome holds the Shane 3-meter. The 3-meter is scheduled every night of the year for a wide variety of research programs. The much smaller Crocker dome, housing a specialized telescope for the discovery of exoplanets (planets orbiting other stars), is to the left of the 3-meter. High and to the 3-meter's right, the 0.8-meter Katzman Automatic Imaging Telescope (KAIT) is seen in the distance atop Kepler peak, where every clear night it searches for supernovae (exploding stars) in other galaxies. The dome just to the right of the 3-m houses Lick's newest telescope, the 2.4-meter Automated Planet Finder (APF), operated by the California & Carnegie Planet Search. The APF began its search for exoplanets in 2013, using a different technique than the Crocker dome project. Several new exoplanets have already been discovered based on data from the APF. The APF will ensure Lick's continuing world leadership in the field of exoplanet discovery and research. For a closer look, visit the APFcam. Almost obscured by the APF dome, the dome of the 0.5-meter Dual Astrograph can just be glimpsed behind and to the left of APF. The Astrograph, which did fundamental work for half a century, is now effectively retired. The silver dome of the Tauchman 0.5-m reflector is seen in the lower right corner of the picture. The Tauchman has been long retired from research but provides Lick residents with views of the heavens. At upper left one can see the fire tower atop Copernicus peak, the highest point on Mount Hamilton. The white structure beneath the tower is a 5,000 gallon water tank which provided hydraulic power to the 36-inch Refractor in the days before electricity was available on the mountain. In the near distance, at right, lies the San Antonio Valley, and behind it, the foothills beyond which Del Puerto Canyon descends into the Central Valley. On very clear days, especially during the cooler months of the year, the Sierra Nevada are visible stretching across the horizon, more than 120 miles distant. |