Guider - CCD Setup

If the CCD is the active axis, only a CCD to Guide Camera move is allowed. Conversely, if the Guide Camera is the active axis, only Guide Camera to CCD is allowed. However, if, as might occasionally be the case, the observer wishes to move an object from the inactive axis to the active one, he or she may do so by first pushing the Switch CCD <--> Guider without moving button, thus switching the active and inactive axes, but not moving the telescope. The desired move is now allowed.
The default values may not be precisely correct for an observers particular requirements, and may be changed. The new values remain in effect until others are entered, the defaults are restored, or POCO is restarted.
See Main Window, CCD/Guider on Axis for an explanation of pointing axes. Last modified: Fri May 15 15:29:23 PDT 2009