User's Guide to the Tauchmann 22-inch Telescope

Table of Contents

Dome Floor and Tarps
Telescope Control Box
Dome Shutter and Rotation
Mirror Covers
Finder Scope & TelRad
Eyepieces and Selection
Mt. Hamilton Homepage

Telescope Control Box

The telescope control box (Figure 1) is on a rolling stand so it can be positioned for convenient use at the telescope (Figure 2). Take care to not strain or trip over the cable connecting the control box to the telescope mount.

The functions of each control box switch is labeled, and should be self explanatory to anyone trained in telescope operations.

The top row of toggle switches on the control box are for lights. For all but the white dome lights, toggle switch up is On, down is off. For the white dome lights, the toggle switch switches the state depending on whether the light switch outside the store room is on or off. From left to right they are:

The middle row of controls are for the telescope and dome control. From left to right they are:

The Secondary Mirror Focus Position switch has a collar around it to prevent bumping it accidentally during telescope operations. One adjusts the switch left or right to move the secondary mirror in or out while looking through the eyepiece to achieve best focus.

The RA and Dec Slow Motion switches activate left or right to cause the tangent arms on each axis to move slowly small distances to center an object in the telescope eyepiece. The button between the RA and Dec Slow Motion switches gives a faster speed when pressed.

The tangent arms for both RA and Dec slow motion have limited travel distances and the telescope operator must ensure to not move so much so that it runs off the lead screw at one end or jams at the other (Figures 3 and 4). Recenter the tangent arms as necessary during the night, and be courteous to future observers by leaving them roughly centered at the end of the night.

The Dome Rotation switch causes the dome to rotate, with the intuitive pushing the switch left causes the dome to rotate left (counter-clockwise) and pushing right rotates right (clockwise).

The bottom row of the Control Box switches are:

  1. RA Drive On/Off
  2. Panel Light Dimmer
The RA Drive switch turns On/Off the tracking motor. Be sure to turn off the RA Drive before stowing the telescope at the end of an observing session.

The Panel Light Dimmer allows one to adjust the panel back lighting to an appropriate brightness for observing operations.

Figure 1: Control Box

Figure 2: Control Box in use by Jonathan Lawton to adjust telescope position while looking through finder scope.

Figure 3: RA Tangent Arm Screw

Figure 2: Dec Tangent Arm Screw

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Last modified: Tue Feb 4 18:19:57 PST 2025